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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Reproduction Biology of the Garfish, Belone euxini Günther, 1866 (Belonidae: Belone) in the Southeast Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effects of Supplementation Coated Lysine and Methionine in Mixture Protein Diets on Growth Performance, Digestibility and Serum Biochemical Indices of Juvenile Black Sea Bream, Acanthopagrus schlegelii Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Haematological and Biochemical Blood Profile in Russian Sturgeon Following Propofol and Eugenol Anaesthesia Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Purse Seine Fishery Discards on the Black Sea Coasts of Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Heavy Metal Levels in the Black Sea Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) as Biomonitor and Potential Risk of Human Health Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Bioeconomic Analysis of Small Pelagic Fishery in Central Algeria Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effects of Artemia sp. Enrichment with Essential Fatty Acids on Functional and Morphological Aspects of the Digestive System in Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Larvae Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Microzooplankton: The Trophic Role and Involvement in the Phytoplankton Loss and Bloom-Formation in the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Black Sea Nitrogen Budget Revision in Accordance with Recent Atmospheric Deposition Study Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Partitioning and Level of Organochlorine Compounds in the Tissues of the Black Sea Turbot at the South-Western Shelf of Crimea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Response of Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the Erythrocyte and Liver of Rainbow Trout Exposed to Carbosulfan Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Population Structure, Growth, Mortality and Fecundity of Palaemon adspersus (Rathke 1837; Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in the Parila Lagoon (Croatia, SE Adriatic Sea) with Notes on the Population Management Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Seasonal Changes of Phytoplankton Chlorophyll a, Primary Production and their Relation in the Continental Shelf Area of the South Eastern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Stage-Specific Ontogeny of Digestive Enzymes in the Cultured Common Dentex (Dentex dentex) Larvae Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Replacing Fishmeal with Kikuyu Grass and Moringa Leaves: Effects on Growth, Protein Digestibility, Histological and Haematological Parameters in Clarias gariepinus Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Short-Term Storage of Diluted Fish Sperm in Air Versus Oxygen Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Modeling the Influence of Hydrodynamic Processes on Anchovy Distribution and Connectivity in the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Seasonal Changes of Ichthyoplankton Assemblages of Sinop Coasts in Southern of the Black Sea, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effects of Depth, Season and Mesh Size on the Catch and Discards of Whiting (Merlangius merlangus euxinus) Gillnet Fishery in the Southern Black Sea, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The First Marine Filamentous Fungi Discovered in the Bottom Sediments of the Oxic/Anoxic Interface and in the Bathyal Zone of the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Comparison of Experimental Susceptibility of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Turbot (Psetta maxima), Black Sea Trout (Salmo trutta labrax) and Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) to Lactococcus garvieae Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effects of Dietary Lipid Levels on Growth Performance, Apparent Digestibility Coefficients of Nutrients, and Blood Characteristics of Juvenile Crucian Carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite New Mitochondrial DNA Haplotype of Brown Trout Salmo trutta L. from Crni Timok Drainage Area in Serbia Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Dinoflagellate Genera Protoperidinium and Podolampas from Pakistan’s Shelf and Deep Sea Vicinity (North Arabian Sea) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Economic Assessment of Dolphin Depredation Damages and Pinger Use in Artisanal Fisheries in the Archipelago of Egadi Islands (Sicily) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Age- Dependent Changes of Mediterranean Trachurus mediterraneus Male and Female from Coastal Waters of Sevastopol (Black Sea, Ukraine) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Age, Growth, Mortality, Longevity and Reproductive Biology of the White Skate, Rostroraja alba (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae) of the Gulf of Gabès (Southern Tunisia, Central Mediterranean) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Brain and Liver Histopathological Examination of Carassius gibelio from A Newly Reconstructed Lake with Toxic Cyanobacteria Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite An Unusual Red-Tide Event of Noctiluca Scintillans (Macartney) in the Southeastern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Leslie Population Estimation for Turkish Crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Esch., 1823) in the Keban Dam Lake, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Nutrient Levels of the Eastern Black Sea Rivers Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Oogenesis, Hepatosomatic and Gonadosomatic Indexes, and Sex Ratio in Rosy Barb (Puntius conchonius) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Age and Growth of Turbot Psetta maxima in the Black Sea, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Quality Changes of Whiting (Merlangius merlangus euxinus, N. 1840) Stored at Ambient and Refrigerated Temperatures Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A Preliminary Study on Reproductive Biology of Palaemon elegans Rathke, 1837 Along the South-eastern Black Sea Coast Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effect of Initial Size on Growth Rate of Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Reared in Cages on the Turkish Black Sea Coast Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Fish Population Genetics and Applications of Molecular Markers to Fisheries and Aquaculture: I- Basic Principles of Fish Population Genetics Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Stickiness Elimination of Himri Barbel (Barbus lutes, Heckel) Eggs Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Addition of Hydrocolloids (Carboxymethylcellulose, Alginate and Konjac) to Improve the Physicochemical Properties and Sensory Characteristics of Fish Sausage Formulated with Surimi Powder Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Quantification of the Synergistic Effects of Eutrophication, Apex Predator Pressure, and Internal Processes on the Black Sea Ecosystem Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Climate Change Impact on the Marine Lakes and their Crustaceans: The Case of Marine Hypersaline Lake Bakalskoye (Ukraine) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Fishery and Population Characteristics of Euthynnus alletteratus (Rafinesque 1810) in the Eastern Coast of Alexandria, Egypt Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Ichthyofauna Composition and Population Parameters of Fish Species from the Special Nature Reserve "Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit" (Vojvodina, Serbia) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Growth and Reproduction Biology of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896, in the Beymelek Lagoon (Southwestern Coast of Turkey) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Use of Distillers Dried Grain as Partial Replacement of Wheat Flour and Corn Gluten Meal in the Diet of Juvenile Black Seabream (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles How to Cite Changes of Macroalgae Biomass in Sinop Peninsula Coast of the Black Sea, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Biological Data Derived from Sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii and Huso huso) by-Catch along the Coasts of the Southern Black Sea (Turkey) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Blood Hemogram Profiles of Farmed Onshore and Offshore Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) from Sicily, Italy Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Spawning Frequency of Trachurus mediterraneus (Carangidae) in the Sea of Marmara Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effects of Dietary Zeolite and Perlite Supplementations on Growth and Nutrient Utilization Performance, and Some Serum Variables in Common Carp, (Cyprinus carpio) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Sturgeons: Fragile Species Need Conservation Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Viability of Trawl Fishing Fleet in Foça (the Aegean Sea), Turkey and Some Advices to Central Management Authority Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Present Status of Fish Culture Development Project in the Black Sea under JICA Program Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Seasonal Distribution and Migration Pattern of the Turbot Psetta maxima in the Eastern Black Sea, Republic of Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Age and Growth of Turbot Psetta maxima in the Black Sea, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Broodstock Rearing and Spawning of Black Sea Turbot, Psetta maxima Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Rearing of Larvae and Juveniles of Black Sea Turbot, Psetta maxima, in Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Problems and Achievements in Seed Production of the Black Sea Turbot in Russia Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Grow-Out Of Sea Bream Sparus aurata in Turkey, Particularly in a Land-Based Farm With Recirculation System in Çanakkale: Better Use of Water, Nutrients and Space Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Farming of the Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, in the Black Sea Region of Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Determination of Technology & Storage Period of Surimi Production from Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus L., 1758) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Distribution and Seasonal Movement of Atlantic Bonito (Sarda sarda) Populations in the Southern Black Sea Coasts Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Survival Rates of Black Sea Turbot (Scophthalmus maeoticus Pallas, 1811) Captured by Bottom Turbot Gillnets in Different Depths and Fishing Seasons Between 1999 and 2004 Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Some Biological Aspects of Thornback Ray (Raja clavata L., 1758) in the Southeastern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Morphometric and Meristic Studies in Two Crabs: Cardiosoma armatum and Callinectes pallidus Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Morphological properties of Horse mackerel, Trachurus mediterraneus ponticus Aleev, 1956 (Osteichthyes: Carangidae) from the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Seasonal Variations in Condition Index and Gonadal Development of the Introduced Blood Cockle Anadara inaequivalvis (Bruguiere, 1789) in the Southeastern Black Sea Coast Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Effect of Feeding Frequency on Growth Performance and Feed Conversion Rate of Black Sea Trout (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1811) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Seasonal Variation of Total Lipid and Total Fatty Acid in Muscle and Liver of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W., 1792) Reared in Derbent Dam Lake Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Length-Weight Relationship of 10 Fish Species Caught by Bottom Trawl and Midwater Trawl from the Middle Black Sea, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A Preliminary Assessment and Management of Gilthead Bream Sparus aurata in the Port Said Fishery, the Southeastern Mediterranean, Egypt Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effects of Stocking Density on Growth Performance, Survival and Food Conversion Ratio of Turbot (Psetta maxima) in the Net Cages on the Southeastern Coast of the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Haematological Profile of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) Exposed to Lead Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Metal Concentrations in Different Tissues of Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) in İskenderun Bay, Northeastern Mediterranean Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Testing the Sensitivity of the Length-Converted Catch Method Using the Bigeye Tuna Thunnus obesus (Scombridae) Population Parameters Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Characterization and Nutritional Quality of Formic Acid Silage Developed from Marine Fishery Waste and their Potential Utilization as Feed Stuff for Common Carp Cyprinus carpio Fingerlings Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Sequence Variation in Three Sturgeon Species (A. stellatus Pallas, 1771, A. gueldenstaedtii Brandt, 1833, H. huso Linnaeus, 1758) from the Black Sea Coasts of Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Extra Sex Combs Gene during Development in Macrobrachium nipponense Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Some Reproduction Characteristics and Weight-Length Relationships of the Spangled emperor, Lethrinus nebulous (Lethrinidae) of the South Coastal of Iran (Persian Gulf and Oman Sea) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Life-history Aspects of Caspian Shemaya Alburnus chalcoides in Two South Caspian Rivers (Siahroud and Gorganroud) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Reproductive Biology of the Blue Crab, Callinectes amnicola (De Rocheburne) in the Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Growth and Production of Raft Cultivated Mediterranean Mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819) in Sinop, Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Effects of Salt-Boiling on Protein Loss of Penaeus semisulcatus Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Aspects of Ecology of Clarias anguillaris (Teleostei: Clariidae) in the Cross River, Nigeria Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effect of Previous Plant Extract Treatment on Sensory and Physical Properties of Frozen Bonito (Sarda sarda) Filllets Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite PCDD/F, dl-PCB and Indicator PCBs in Whiting, Horse Mackerel and Anchovy in Black Sea in Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Temporal Variations of Phytoplankton in Relation to Eutrophication in Samsun Bay, Southern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A Review of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediment and Living Organisms in the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Long-Term (2001-2011) Temperature, Salinity and Chlorophyll-a Variations at a Southeastern Coastal Site of the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Stock Characteristics and Population Dynamics of the Spiny Cheek Grouper Epinephelus diacanthus (Valenciennes, 1828) from the Arabian Sea, Oman Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Seasonal Discards and By-Catch of Striped Venus Clam (Chamelea gallina) (Mollusca, Bivalves) Fishery in the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Population Parameters of Whiting (Merlangius merlangus euxinus L., 1758) in the South-Eastern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Length Based Growth Estimates and Reproduction Biology of Whiting, Merlangius merlangus euxinus (Nordman, 1840) in the Southeast Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Investigation of the Selectivity of Trammel Nets Used in Red Mullet (Mullus barbatus) Fishery in the Eastern Black Sea, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Microbial Loop Populations: Their Abundances and Trophodynamics in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Inclusion of Low Levels of Blood and Feathermeal in Practical Diets For Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effects of Long-term Extended Photoperiod on Somatic Growth and Husbandry Parameters on Cultured Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata, L.) in the Net Cages Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Fishery Characteristics and Population Dynamics of Indian White Shrimp, Fenneropenaeus indicus from Arabian Sea, Sultanate of Oman Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Heavy Metal Concentrations in Ten Species of Fishes Caught in Sinop Coastal Waters of the Black Sea, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The State-of-Art of the Black Sea Turbot Spawning Population off Crimea (1998-2010) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Had Been Observing the Acidification of the Black Sea Upper Layer in XX Century? Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Picoplankton Dynamics during Late Spring 2010 in the South-Eastern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Determination of Size Selection of Whiting (Merlangius merlangus euxinus) by Square Mesh Panel and Diamond Mesh Codends of Demersal Trawl in the Southern Part of Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Interrelations Between the Losses of Sandy Beaches and Biodiversity in Seas: Case of the Bakalskaya Spit (Crimea, Ukraine, Black sea) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Biologically Active Microalgae and Cyanobacteria in Nature and Marine Biotechnology Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Coastal Forecasting System for the Easternmost Part of the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Bioluminescence Characteristics Changeability of Ctenophore Beroe ovata Mayer, 1912 (Beroida) in Ontogenesis Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Way of Creating a New Marine Site of Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine - “Small Phyllophora Field" Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Management of River Basins and the Black Sea Coastal Zone by Landscape Planning Instruments (the Crimea, the Voron River Basin as an Example) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Black Sea Dinoflagellata (History of the Research and Current Biodiversity) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Digestibility and Liver Fatty Acid Composition of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fed by Graded Levels of Canola Oil Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Investigation of the Interaction Between Bottom Gillnet Fishery (Sinop, Black Sea) and Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Terms of Economy Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Histological Study on Reproductive Pattern and Sex Reversal of Dusky Grouper Epinephelus guaza in Natural Environment of Antalya Bay of Mediterranean in Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A Model for Clustering Fish Community Structure with Application to Songkhla Lake Bi-monthly Catches 2003-2006 Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Evaluation of Meat Yield, Proximate Composition and Fatty Acid Profile of Cultured Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill, 1814) and Black Sea Trout (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1811) in Comparison with their Hybrid Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Effect of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) Cage Culture on Sediment Quality in Kesikköprü Reservoir, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Length and Weight Relations of Some Reproduction Characteristics of Prussian carp, Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) in the South Aegean Region (Aydın-Turkey) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Life- History Traits and Decadal Trends in the Growth Parameters of Golden Mahseer Tor putitora (Hamilton 1822) from the Himalayan Stretch of the Ganga River System Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Fisheries Management in the Black Sea Countries Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Some Biological Aspects of the Sharpnose Mullet Liza saliens (Risso, 1810) in Gorgan Bay-Miankaleh Wildlife Refuge (the Southeast Caspian Sea) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Some Aspects of the Biology of two Copepods: Apocyclops dengizicus and Mesocyclops isabellae from a Pool in Garmat - 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Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Stock Assessment of Silver Pomfret Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen, 1788) in the Northern Persian Gulf Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite State of Black Scorpionfish (Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758) Inhabited Coastal Area of Sevastopol Region (Black Sea) in 1998–2008 Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Growth of Mixed-Sex and Monosex Nile Tilapia in Different Culture Systems Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Size at Sexual Maturity of Bigeye Tuna Thunnus obesus (Perciformes: scombridae) in the Tropical Waters: a Comparative Analysis Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The First Documented Record of Genus Mustelus (Chondrichthyes: Triakidae) in the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite First report of Nerocila orbigyni (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoidae) on Solea solea (Teleostei, Soleidae) from Turkish Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Machine Vision Applications to Aquatic Foods: A Review Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A Survey of Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS) in Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Feeding Regime of Whiting (Gadus merlangus euxinus Nordmann, 1840) In Turkish Middle Black Sea Coast Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Biological Diversity of the Turkish Black Sea Coast Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Influence of Feed, Manure and Their Combination on The Growth of Cyprinus carpio (L.) Fry and Fingerlings Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Migration Characteristics of the Black Sea Trout (Salmo trutta labrax, Pallas, 1814) in the Eastern Black Sea Coasts and Streams Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite First Record of the Order Choanoflagellida in Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Estimation of Stream Temperature in Degirmendere River (Trabzon- Turkey) Using Artificial Neural Network Model Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Distributions of Dissolved Forms of Manganese and Iron in the Water Column of the Southeastern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Influence of Watershed Activities on the Water Quality and Fish Assemblages of a Tropical African Reservoir Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Effects of Combined Phytoestrogen 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Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Post-Ovulatory Oocyte Ageing in Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca L.) and its Effect on Egg Viability Rates and the Occurrence of Larval Malformations and Ploidy Anomalies Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Geographic Variation of Picocyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. along the Anatolian Coast of the Black Sea during the Late Autumn of 2013 Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Alterations of Growth Performance and Blood Chemistry in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Nuoticus) Affected by Copper Sulfate in Long-Term Exposure Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Comparative Study on Parasite Fauna of the Whiting Merlangius merlangus in the Northern and Southern Zones of the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Temporal Variations of the Demersal Fish Community in the Shallow Waters of Çanakkale Strait, North Aegean Sea, during the Course of a Mucilage Event Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Heavy Metal Levels in Four Commercial Fishes Caught in Sinop Coasts of the Black Sea, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Reproduction Efficiency of the Medicinal Leech Hirudo verbana Carena, 1820 Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Post-Ovulatory Oocyte Ageing in Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca L.) and its Effect on Egg Viability Rates and the Occurrence of Larval Malformations and Ploidy Anomalies Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Geographic Variation of Picocyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. along the Anatolian Coast of the Black Sea during the Late Autumn of 2013 Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Alterations of Growth Performance and Blood Chemistry in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis nuoticus) Affected by Copper Sulfate in Long-Term Exposure Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Quality Changes and Shelf-Life of Cultured and Wild Hot-Smoked Mediterranean Horse Mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus, Steindachner, 1868) at Frozen Storage (-20±2°C) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Cryptobenthic Fauna of the Mussel Farm’s Collectors Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effect of Sediment Grain Size on Growth Performance of Juvenile Sea Cucumber (Holothuria tubulosa) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Conjoined Twinning Incidences in Trachurus mediterraneus (Steindachner, 1868) Eggs in Southern Marmara Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite First Report of Several Myxosporean (Myxozoa) and Monogenean Parasites from Fish Species off Sinop Coasts of the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Fishers Perception and Attitude Toward Local Knowledge and Local Practices and Its Role in the Fisheries Management: a Case Study in Mae Klong River, Samut Songkhram, Thailand Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Occurrence and Biological Observations on Angel shark Squatina squatina (Chondrichthyes: Squatinidae) from the Turkish Waters (Eastern Mediterranean) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effects of Temperature, Fish Size and Dosage of Clove Oil on Anaesthesia in Turbot (Psetta maxima Linnaeus, 1758) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Occurrence and New Geographical Record of Striped Seabream Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Turkish Coast of Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Comparison of Fatty Acids in the Muscles and Liver of Pond-Cultured and Wild Perch, Perca fluviatilis (L.), in Poland Abstract Full 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