Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2010, Vol 10, Num, 1 (Pages: 1-7)
Reproductive Biology of the Blue Crab, Callinectes amnicola (De Rocheburne) in the Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria
Aderonke Omolara Lawal-Are 1
1 University of Lagos, Faculty of Science, Department of Marine Sciences, Lagos, Nigeria
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Sex ratio, fecundity, maturation development and oogenesis of Callinectes amnicola (De Rocheburne) in the Lagos
Lagoon, Nigeria were investigated. The male/female ratio was 1:0.96. Fecundity estimates ranged between 478,400 and
4,480,500 eggs with a mean of 780,480 eggs. The diameter of the eggs varied between 0.25 and 0.35 mm with a mean of eggs
0.29 mm. A low positive correlation existed between fecundity and weight (r = 0.247) of the crab. Maturity was attained
between 6.2 and 16.5 cm carapace width (CW) for the females and between 7.3 and 15.3 cm CW for the males. Fifty percent
maturity (TL50) was attained at 10.8 cm CW in the males and 11.0 cm CW in the females. Five maturity stages of gonads were
identified. Three major developmental stages of oocytes were observed. Immature and mature crabs were obtained in the
lagoon throughout the year indicating that this species breeds throughout the year with a peak between March and June.
Keywords :
sex ratio, fecundity, gonadal stages, histology