Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2012, Vol 12, Num, 5 (Pages: 377-383)
The State-of-Art of the Black Sea Turbot Spawning Population off Crimea (1998-2010)
Vitaly Giragosov 1 ,Antonina Khanaychenko 1
1 Institute of Biology of Southern Seas, 2 Nakhimov av., 99011, Sevastopol, Ukraine
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Long-term study (1998–2010) of the Black Sea turbot spawning population in Sevastopol region (Crimean coast,
Ukrainian sector of the Black Sea) was carried out on the basis of monitoring of the turbot gill net catches. Despite some signs
of recovery of BST local population during 2009-2010, analysis revealed numerous signs of absence of stability in the local
turbot population: low sizes of spawners in comparison with other Black Sea areas, permanent inverse sex ratio, high level of
pigmentation abnormalities coming from early development and high level of diseased adult individuals which reflect fishery
effects and unfavorable environmental conditions.
Keywords :
Black Sea turbot, Crimea, spawning population, structure, pigmentation, disease