Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2018, Vol 18, Num, 5 (Pages: 717-727)
Effects of Supplementing Low-Molecular-Weight Fish Hydrolysate in High Soybean Meal Diets on Growth, Antioxidant Activity and Non-Specific Immune Response of Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
Xiaoli Li 1 ,Ling Wang 1 ,Chunxiao Zhang 1 ,Samad Rahimnejad 1 ,Kai Song 1 ,Xiangli Yuan 1
1 Jimei University, Xiamen Key Laboratory for Feed Quality Testing and Safety Evaluation, Fisheries College, Xiamen 361021, China
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Supplemental effects of low-molecular-weight fish hydrolysate (LWFH) was investigated in high soybean meal (HSM)
diets fed to Litopenaeus vannamei (0.44 ± 0.03 g) for 48 days. The HSM diet, containing 15% fish meal and 47% soybean
meal, was supplemented with 0, 5, 10, 15 or 20 g kg-1 LWFH (HSM0, HSM5, HSM10, HSM15 and HSM20). LWFH
significantly (P < 0.05) improved growth and the highest growth was found in HSM15. Feed intake significantly increased at
≥ 10 g kg-1 LWFH, and the lowest feed conversion ratio was observed in HSM10 group. Shrimp survival significantly
increased at ≥ 15 g kg-1 LWFH compared to HSM0 group. Significantly higher serum peroxidase, acid phosphatase and
alkaline phosphatase activities were observed in HSM20 group and total antioxidant capacity increased at ≥ 15 g kg-1 LWFH.
HSM10 group exhibited significantly higher phenoloxidase activity than HSM0, and superoxide dismutase activity enhanced
in HSM5 and HSM10. Intestinal inflammatory genes expression assay showed the significant decrease of activating
transcription factor 4 expression in HSM15 group compared to HSM0 group, and macrophage migration inhibitory factor
expression decreased significantly at 5-15 g kg-1 LWFH. To conclude, 10-15 g kg-1 LWFH in HSM diet improves growth,
antioxidant activity and innate immunity.
Keywords :
High soybean meal diets, Low-molecular-weight fish hydrolysate, Antioxidant activity, Innate immunity, Litopenaeus vannamei