Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2014, Vol 14, Num, 2 (Pages: 479-486)
Monthly Differentiation in Meat Yield, Chemical and Amino Acid Composition of Wild and Cultured Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta Forma Fario Linneaus, 1758)
Yalçın Kaya 1 ,M. Emin Erdem 1 ,Hülya Turan 1
1 Sinop University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Seafood Processing and Fisheries Technology, Sinop, Turkey
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In this research, the differences between wild and cultured brown trout (Salmo trutta forma fario Linneaus, 1758) were
determined by investigating meat yield, chemical quality and amino acid composition of wild and cultured trout in the East
Black Sea region between January and December. The mean meat yield of 67.59%±0.48 in wild trout was significantly higher
than that of 64.46%±0.73 in cultured trout (P<0.05). The mean crude protein, crude lipid, moisture contents and crude ash
were 17.36% ± 0.037-16.66% ± 0.37, 2.71% ± 0.21-3.62%±0.224, 78.10% ± 0.239-77.43% ± 0.387, 1.16% ± 0.03-1.21% ±
0.029 in wild and cultured trout, respectively. The mean crude lipid in cultured trout was significantly higher from the wild
trout (P<0.05). The mean protein amount is similar for both fish groups. Mean carbohydrate content in the wild trout was
found to be 0.54±0.12 (g/100 g) and cultured trout carbohydrate was found to be 0.57±0.12 (g/100 g) (P<0.05). Maximum
value at Total amino acid (TAA) was reach on cultured fish at Jun (17880 mg/100 g), wild trout was reach (18755 mg/100 g)
at April. Total essential amino acid (TEAA) value was demonstrate significant variation (P<0.05). Results showed that,
cultivated and wild brown trout fillets are well-balanced food source in terms of E/NE ratios in all seasons.
Keywords :
Trout (Salmo trutta), chemical composition, meat yield, amino acid