Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2011, Vol 11, Num, 4 (Pages: 641-648)
The Growth Characteristics of Sand Smelt (Atherina boyeri, Risso 1810) in Lake İznik (Türkiye)
Soner Çetinkaya 1 ,Rahmi Uysal 1 ,Vedat Yegen 1 ,Mehmet Cesur 1 ,Hasan Bostan 1
1 Eğirdir Fisheries Research Institute, 32500, Eğirdir, Isparta, Turkey
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In this study, growth properties of sand smelt (Atherina boyeri, Risso 1810) in İznik Lake were determined. Total
catched 237 sand smelt fish in January-December 2006 were 28.3% male and 71.7% female. Female male ratio was 2.5:1.
Fork length between 2-10.6 cm, weight 0.06-10.5 g, ages I-IV were changed and 20.7% fish were I. age were determined.
Differentiation between average lenght frequency of groups wasn’t statistically significant (P>0.05) in I. age group. The data
were obtained LogW=-2.09593-2.9819 Log L and W=0.008018 L2.9819 (r=0.993) for male fish, Log W=-2.12773-3.0508 Log
L and W=0.007452 L3.0508 (r=0.996) for female fish and Log W=-2.13401-3.0511 Log L and W=0.007345 L3.0511 (r=0.994) for
male and female fish. Total, natural and fishery mortality rates respectively were M=0.666 y-1, F= 0.1591 y-1 and E=0.193 y-1.
The highest relative length and weight growth were shown male and female between I-II ages. For female and male fish
W∞=32.3, K=0.23794, to = -0.1994, b= 3.0511 and Von Bertalanffy weight growth equation W(t)=32.3*(1-e-0.23794(t+0.1994))3.0511
were determined. Condition factor were determined K=0.780 for male and K=0.822 for female and differentiation between
sexual groups for II to III statistically were not significant (P>0.05).
Keywords :
Growth, mortality rate, von Bertalanffy, condition factor