Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2008, Vol 8, Num, 1 (Pages: 149-158)
Nutritional Evaluation of Termite (Macrotermes subhyalinus) Meal as Animal Protein Supplements in the Diets of Heterobranchus longifilis (Valenciennes, 1840) Fingerlings
2 University of Ibadan, Department of Zoology, Ibadan, Nigeria Viewed : 5150 - Downloaded : 10051 250 fingerlings of Heterobranchus longifilis had an average weight of 2.04±0.21 g were fed five crude protein 42.5% isonitrogenous experimental diets coded Tm1 – Tm5 were tested on the fingerlings. Termite meal was used to replace fish meal in the diets at 0% (Diet Tm1- control diet), 25% (Diet Tm2), 50% (Diet Tm3), 75% (Diet Tm4) and 100% termite meal inclusion levels (Diet Tm5). The experiment was in triplicates and the fingerlings were fed 5% body weight twice a day for 12 weeks. Termite meal had a crude protein of 46.3% and ash content of 3.6% while fish meal used has 71.5% crude protein and 18.2% ash and these differed significantly (P<0.05). The lipid content of 11.3% and 8.0% respectively for termite meal and fishmeal also differed significantly (P<0.05). The water stability of the experimental diets ranged between72.3%-76.9%. The highest mean weight gain of 9.6 g/fish, relative growth rate of 488.0% and specific growth rate of 0.9%/day were recorded in fish fed 50% termite meal inclusion diet. The feed striking time ranged between 5.0-6.0 second. The lowest feed conversion ratio of 2.9 and highest protein efficiency ratio of 0.8 were also recorded in fish fed 50% termite meal inclusion diet. The lowest incidence of cost (2.1), highest profit index (1.6) and best benefit cost ratio (1.2) were also from 50% termite meal diet. Based on the broken-line analysis, 50% inclusion levels of termite meal will yield the best result in a practical diet for H. longifilis fingerlings for a profitable and sustainable aquaculture venture. Keywords : termite meal, fishmeal, nutrient, growth, cost, H. longifilis