Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2007, Vol 7, Num, 2 (Pages: 139-145)
Investigation of Some Population Parameters of the Tench (Tinca tinca L., 1758) Inhabiting Beyşehir Lake (Konya-Turkey)
2 Department of Biology, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Niğde University, 51100, Niğde, Turkey Viewed : 4213 - Downloaded : 2972 This study was carried out between April, 2004 and March, 2005 in Beyşehir Lake in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey. The present study of 210 Tinca tinca from Beyşehir Lake shows that 52.38 % are female and 47.62 % male ranging between I+-VIII age groups. The sex ratio was 1.10 female:1 male in the studied samples. Specimens ranged from 14.9 to 38.5 cm in fork length, and 48.5 to 967.10 g in weight. At the same time, fork length and weight distributions of Tinca tinca were also given in this study.
Age-length and age-weight relations were calculated by the von Bertalanffy growth formula. The following equations were found for males and females, respectively. Lt=41.36[1- e1-0.152(t+3.1396)], Lt=44.23[1- e1-0.1176(t+3.6745)], Wt= 1202.16 (1- e- 0.52(t+3.1396 )3.0993, Wt=1458.30 (1- e-0.1176 (t+3.6745) )3.0718.
Keywords : Tinca tinca, Population structure, Beyşehir Lake, Turkey