Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2006, Vol 6, Num, 1 (Pages: 01-05)
Validating Ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus as an Indicator to Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Trace Metal Pollution in Kuwait Bay
Abdul Hadi Bu-Olayan 1 ,Verghese Thomas Bivin 1
1 Chair & Research Associate Department of Chemistry, POB 5969, Kuwait University, Safat-13060, Kuwait
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Trace metal levels were high in five Kuwait Bay sites (I-V) during harmful algal blooms (HABs) enrichment following
an abundance of Ctenophore, Pleurobrachia pileus. Observations during HABs revealed higher trace metal levels in P. pileus
and in seawater than during the non-existence of HABs. High trace metal levels in P. pileus were observed during winter
(November-March) rather than in summer (April-September) validating the non-usage of trace metals by the primary
producers as a result of low photosynthetic activity during winter. Trace metal levels in seawater and in P. pileus were
observed high in Site-III followed by Site-IV > Site-V > Site-II > Site-I irrespective of the two seasons signifying the degree
of trace metal pollution in Kuwait Bay sites. Furthermore, high abundance of Ctenophore and HABs on one hand
significantly evidenced altercation of phytoplankton species diversity recorded earlier in Kuwait Bay sites; and on the other
hand it evidenced a temporary depletion of nutrient levels. Therefore, it is evident that the abundance of P. pileus could label
HABs enrichment, trace metals and nutrient levels in Kuwait Bay which is an outcome of anthropogenic inputs discharges,
local industrialization and altered hydrological variables.
Keywords :
Trace metals, Ctenophore, HABs, Kuwait