Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2024, Vol 24, Num, 12 (Pages: TRJFAS 26690)
Spatial Variation of Soft Bottom Arthropoda and Echinodermata Fauna in the Aegean Sea
Herdem Aslan 1
1 Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Canakkale/ Türkiye, 17100
10.4194/TRJFAS 26690
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A study was conducted on the community of the arthropod and echinoderm fauna in the Aegean Sea of Turkish coast between August 12th and 19th, 2014. Sampling was obtained utilizing a van Veen grab at 16 stations between Edirne-Enez and Marmaris by the R/V TUBITAK Marmara at depths ranging from 11.5 to 69 m. In the study area, an average of 79 individuals m-2 of 68 arthropod species with an average weight of 1.3 g m-2; a total density of 18 individuals m-2 of 13 echinoderm species with a weight of 22 g m-2 were obtained. Amphipod Gammaropsis sophiae and ophiuroid Amphiura cherbonnieri are new record species for the Aegean coast of Turkiye. The frequency index indicates that tanaid Apseudopsis latreillii and Ophiroid Amphipholis squamata are the most common taxa. The quantitative dominance results for all study areas demonstrate that tanaid Chondrochelia savignyi and ophiroid Amphiura chiajei were the most dominant species. The highest number of species (33 species), abundance (373 ind m-2) and biomass (247 g m-2) were found in the station Çeşme while no species could be obtained at station outer Izmir Bay. In the implementation of ecosystem-based management strategies, the presentation of qualitative and quantitative information regarding fauna is of great importance.
Keywords :
Zoobenthos Mediterranean Sea Crustacea Marine Strategy Framework Directive