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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2025, Vol 25, Num, 2     (Pages: TRJFAS24772)

The Effect of Bait and Soaking Times on Catch Efficiency and Species Composition of Trammel Nets

Yusuf Şen 1 ,Uğur Özekinci 2

1 Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Department of Marine Biology, Çanakkale, Türkiye
2 Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Department of Fisheries and Fish Processing, Çanakkale, Türkiye
DOI : 10.4194/TRJFAS24772 Viewed : 276 - Downloaded : 340 Trammel nets are used with long soaking times to increase catching efficiency in Türkiye commercial fisheries. In the present study aim to examine the effects of the baited trammel nets alternative method instead of the long soaking times of trammel nets. A total of 405 individuals from 37 species were caught, including 143 from 9 target species, 93 from 18 non-target species and 169 from 10 other species. 98 non-damage individuals of target species comprised only 24.2% of total catch. The baited trammel nets were found as 1.56,1.6,1.2 times more efficient than non-baited nets for 3,5,7 days soaking times in the non-damage individuals of target species. The non-baited nets for only 1 day were determined as 1.5 times more efficient than baited nets. 109 damaged individuals (46.2%) were identified from the total target and non-target species in the baited and non-baited nets. As the soaking times increased, the number of damaged individuals in target and non-target, also other species increased. The addition bait affected individuals, whereas statistically insignificant. Consequently, the baited alternative method of trammel nets with 3 days soaking time can be recommended instead of the long soaking times considering negative effects on species for Turkish trammel net fisheries. Keywords : Trammel nets Biodiversity Demersal fish Alternative fishing method Marmara Sea