Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2020, Vol 20, Num, 3 (Pages: 171-175)
Biometric Relation between Asteriscus Otolith Size and Fish Total Length of Seven Cyprinid Fish Species from Inland Waters of Turkey
Nesrin Emre 1
1 Akdeniz University, Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Antalya, Turkey
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The relationships between asteriscus otolith morphology (OL, OW, OR and OM) and
fish total length were described with a non-linear function (power model) for seven
Cyprinid fish species: Capoeta angorae, C. antalyensis, C. caelestis, C. erhani, C. pestai,
Pseudophoxinus antalyae and P. fahrettini. These species are endemic to Turkey and
have limited distributions. The regression models are quite well fitted with all
asteriscus otolith measurements. We were also conducted the regression models for
genus level. There was no significant difference between the size of the left and right
otoliths (paired t-test) in any of the seven species. This is the first study that examines
the relationships between asteriscus otolith morphology and fish total length for four
Cyprinid species. These results showed that the equations generated to obtain the fish
size using otolith morphology data can be used in dietary studies.
Keywords :
Cyprinid fish, Asteriscus otolith, Freshwater, Biometric relation