Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2020, Vol 20, Num, 1 (Pages: 79-86)
Population Genetic Diversity of Yellow Barbell (Carasobarbus luteus) from Kueik, Euphrates and Tigris Rivers Based on Mitochondrial DNA D-loop Sequences
Arif Parmaksiz 1
1 Harran University, Faculty of Science-Literature, Department of Biology, Şanlıurfa, Turkey
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It is substantially important to know genetic structure of fish populations for long term
fishery and with regards to conservation strategies. The present study was aimed to
reveal the fundamental population genetic data for continuity and conservation of the
Yellow barbell (Carasobarbus luteus) stocks, being considered as an economically
important endemic fish species in Southeastern Anatolia Region. Therefore, a total
number of 108 fish specimens were sampled from 9 localities of Kueik, Euphrates and
Tigris river systems and subsequently, genetically analyzed based on mtDNA D-loop
region sequencing. In total, 15 polymorphic nucloetide sites and 7 haplotypes were
established during the analysis carried out. The mean haplotype (Hd) and nucleotide
variation (π) were calculated as 0.373 and 0.00536. The highest values of haplotype
and nucleotide variation was observed in Birecik (Hd=0,65152) and Adıyaman
population (π =0,01094); respectively. In turns, none haplotype and nucleotide
variation was observed in Kilis and Diyarbakır populations. Obtained FST values for
examined populations ranged between -0.12389 and 0.15630. All FST values were
found to be statistically insignificant for the populations within the same river and
significant between some populations originated from different rivers. According to
analysis of neutrality tests, Tajima`s D values were statistically significant in 4
populations (Samsat, Bozova, Hilvan and Bismil). Obtained, under the present study
information on genetic variation and population structure of C. luteus will be useful to
plan an effective strategies for conservation and fishery supplementation of the
species in the region.
Keywords :
Carasobarbus luteus, Freshwater fish, Genetic diversity, Polymorphism, mtDNA, D-loop