Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2013, Vol 13, Num, 5 (Pages: 827-834)
Effect of Poultry By-Product Meal on Growth Performance and Fatty Acid Composition of Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Fry
Erkan Gümüş 1 ,Baki Aydin 1
1 Akdeniz University, Faculty of Fisheries, 07058, Antalya, Turkey
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The effect of replacement of fish meal (FM) with graded level of poultry by-product meal (PBM) in diets on growth
performance and fatty acid composition of carp fry (Cyprinus carpio) was examined in the experiment. Five isonitrogenous
(34% crude protein), isolipidic (9% crude lipid) and isoenergetic (15.0 MJ/kg DE) experimental diets replacing 0 (control
group), 25, 50, 75 and 100% of FM protein by PBM protein were formulated with lysine, methionine and threonine
supplementation in order to balance the amino acid profiles of the experimental diets. Each diet was fed to twice daily to
apparent satiation of groups of twenty fry (mean weight 0.39 g fish-1) stocked into 65L glass aquaria to maintain three
replicates per treatment. At the end of the experiment, body weight gain, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio and feed
conversion ratio decreased with increased dietary replacement of FM with graded levels of PBM, while condition factor,
hepatosomatic indices, viscerosomatic indices and whole body composition did not exhibit significant differences among the
experimental groups (P>0.05). There were significant differences in total fatty acid composition of each experimental group.
Values of Σn-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and Σn-3/Σn-6 ratio in the muscle of fish decreased. No significant differences in
saturated fatty acids values were observed in fish, while monounsaturated fatty acids values increased as the PBM level
increased in the diet.
Keywords :
Cyprinus carpio, feeding, fishmeal replacement, poultry by-product meal, growth, fatty acids