Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2019, Vol 19, Num, 1 (Pages: 21-28)
Application of Physical and Biological Methods to Remove Heavy Metal, Arsenic and Pesticides, Malathion and Diazinon from Water
Arash Javanshir Khoei 1 ,Nooshin Jafarzadeh Ghaleh Joogh 1 ,Paria Darvishi 1 ,Kiadokht Rezaei 1
1 University of Tehran, Faculty of Natural Resources, Department of Fisheries, Karaj, Iran
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Environmental pollution caused by heavy metals and pesticides have increased concerns
over potential toxicity to a range of species, and their removal from water is of unquestionable
importance. The present study was attempts to remove heavy metal, Arsenic and pesticides,
Malathion and Diazinon from water using physical and biological methods. The physical
remove of the pollutants was carried out through a particle trapping systems, contained straws
to trap the fine and large particles. The system received 3 g montmorillonite as the absorbent
media each 24 h during 10 days. A media containing algae, Anabaena sp. was also used for the
biological treatment of the pollutants. The results showed that the montmorillonite particles in
the particle trapping system were able to reduce the initial concentrations of pollutants. The
removing efficiency of 78% and 58% were measured respectively for initial concentrations of
1 and 2 g/L Arsenic in the biological system. The biological treatment also reduced the initial
levels of pesticides with the reduction efficacies of 68.3% and 71.6% for Diazinon and 40.5%
and 67.8% for Malathion, respectively. In the both systems, pH increased gradually with the
removal of contaminants. The results are discussed with regard to potency of particle trapping
system supplemented montmorillonite and algae removal of pollutants from water solutions.
Keywords :
Particle trapping system, Montmorillonite, Algae, Water treatment, Pollution