Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2018, Vol 18, Num, 1 (Pages: 81-90)
Effects of Different Commercial Feeds and Enrichments on Biochemical Composition and Fatty Acid Profile of Rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis, Müller 1786) and Artemia franciscana
Kamil Mert Eryalçın 1
1 Istanbul University Faculty of Fisheries, Aquaculture Department, Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Culture Laboratory, Ordu Cad. No: 200, Laleli, 34470, Istanbul, Turkey
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The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of several commercial rotifer feeds and enrichments on
growth, biochemical and fatty acid composition of L-type rotifer and Artemia franciscana nauplii. In experiment I, five
experimental diets (M0 Plus, S.Parkle, w-3 Yeast 60, Beaker`s yeast and Chlorella vulgaris) were tested for rotifer culture
performance and in the second experiment six enrichers (w-3 Olio, n-3 Top Rich, Red Pepper, Culture Selco, microalgae
mixture (Dunaliella salina + Chlorella vulgaris) and Emulsion T) were evaluated for the fatty acid composition of rotifer and
Artemia franciscana. In experiment I, rotifers fed S.Parkle and Beaker`s yeast showed better biomass production and egg
density while the number of egg carrying female number was higher. In experiment II, rotifers enriched n-3 Top Rich showed
better n-3 HUFA retention whereas Artemia franciscana nauplii enriched Red Pepper showed highest HUFA accumulation.
Culture Selco seems optimal for artemia enrichment for EPA (20:5n-3) and DHA (22:6n-3) accumulation. In conclusion,
Beaker`s yeast is still applicable in comparison to other commercial feeds in rotifer culture. Further study is needed for
determination of mineral composition of rotifer feeds and commercial enrichments and their retention in live prey and larvae
use in Turkey.
Keywords :
Rotifer, artemia, growth, enrichment, fatty acids