Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2019, Vol 19, Num, 11 (Pages: 923-933)
Bioactive Compounds Produced by Dunaliella species, Antimicrobial Effects and Optimization of the Efficiency
Nur Kocberber Kilic 1 ,Kubra Erdem 1 ,Gonul Donmez 1
1 Ankara University, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Ankara, Turkey
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In the present work, production of bioactive compounds by four different Dunaliella
species (Dunaliella sp. 1-4) and antimicrobial activities of them was investigated
against different bacteria. The effects of different nitrogen concentrations (0.5 g/L-2.0
g/L), illumination intensities (1200lx-4800lx), NaCI concentrations [10-25%(w/v)], and
incubation periods (7-28 d) on the content of the bioactive compounds and their
antimicrobial activities were studied. The highest antimicrobial activity of bioactive
compounds was observed in Dunaliella sp. 2; optimum conditions for the highest
antimicrobial activity were found extracts obtained from biomasses grown in media
with 1.0 g/L nitrogen and 20% (w/v) NaCI, under 4800 lx light intensity, after 14 d of
incubation period. Different solvent types [ethanol, methanol, hexane, chloroform,
Tris-HCI (pH:8; 0.5 M), and water] were also investigated to find more efficient
antimicrobial activity. Chloroform-extracts had the highest bioactive character within
the solvents tested. The chloroform-extracts were chemically characterized by GC–MS
and HPLC-DAD. Stearic acid having the highest peak area as fatty acids found in
Dunaliella sp. 2 was detected. However, pigments such as lutein followed by α-
carotene and zeaxanthin with antimicrobial activity were identified; simple phenols
like ferulic acid responsible for the antimicrobial activity was analysed.
Keywords :
Bioactive compounds, Antimicrobial activity, Dunaliella sp., Microalgae, Stress condition