Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2016, Vol 16, Num, 1 (Pages: 135-140)
Hormone Induced Artificial Breeding of a Commercially Important Marine Finfish, Striped Mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in Bangladesh
Ehsanul Karim 1 ,Jakia Hasan 1 ,Enamul Hoq 1
1 Marine Fisheries and Technology Station, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute Cox’s Bazar 4700, Bangladesh
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Artificial breeding trial of Mugil cephalus L. using hormones was conducted from August, 2014 to February, 2015 in a
fish hatchery, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. In this experimental trial, average one kg sized M. cephalus were collected from wild
and reared in saline-water ponds to breed in captivity through hormone induction. The salinity of rearing ponds was
maintained between 20 – 25ppt and in hatchery 24 – 25ppt with 22 – 25ºC temperature. Carp pituitary glands (CPG), HCG
(Human chorionic gonadotropin) and LRH-A2 (Luteinizing releasing hormone) were used for hypophysation. The effective
dosages of CPG 30mg/kg body weight, LRH-A2 150μg/fish with combination of 0.3 mL Domperidone and 0.5 mL Calcium
injection, and HCG dose of 30,000 IU in case of female and 5,000 IU in case of male resulted spawning success. The GSI
value of fecund fishes ranged from 7.92 to 12.38, egg diameter of matured fish between 550 to 600μm and that of fertilized
egg from 650 to 700μm. Fecundity was calculated as 735 to 900 nos/g. The fish started spawning between 44 – 48 h and cell
division was observed after the first hour of spawning but severe mortality occurred after 6 h.
Keywords :
Induced breeding, hormones, mullet, Mugil cephalus