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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2013, Vol 13, Num, 1     (Pages: 87-94)

Feeding Ecology of the Topmouth Gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846) in the Gelingüllü Reservoir, Turkey

Şükran Yalçın-Özdilek 1 ,Şerife Gülsün Kırankaya 2 ,Fitnat Güler Ekmekçi 3

1 Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Biology, Terzioğlu Campus, 17100, Çanakkale, Turkey
2 Düzce University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Biology Department, Konuralp Campus, 81620, Düzce, Turkey
3 Hacettepe University, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Beytepe Campus, 06800, Ankara, Turkey
DOI : 10.4194/1303-2712-v13_1_11 Viewed : 4224 - Downloaded : 3193 Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846) is widely distributed in rivers and lakes of Turkey owing to accidental introductions. Turkey is rich in biodiversity of freshwater fish and has a high level of endemicity of native ichthyofauna, which is vulnerable to such introductions. The Gelingüllü Reservoir located on the Kızılırmak drainage in Central Anatolia has rich ichthyofauna with native and introduced fish species, including endemic species. The contents of the foregut of P. parva samples collected between Summer 2003 and Summer 2005 were examined. Seasonal and ontogenetic changes in feeding intensity were determined. P. parva mainly feeds on zooplankton such as Cladocera, Copepoda, and Rotifera. Members of the Bacillariophyta and Cyanobacteria were identified in high proportions in the foregut contents of P. parva particularly during summer. The feeding traits of this invasive fish may have an influence on the establishment of a successful population in Gelingüllü reservoir. Keywords : Ecology, feeding, Gelingüllü, invasive, Pseudorasbora parva