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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2007, Vol 7, Num, 2     (Pages: 147-152)

Effects of Stocking Density on Growth Performance, Survival and Food Conversion Ratio of Turbot (Psetta maxima) in the Net Cages on the Southeastern Coast of the Black Sea

Nilgün Aksungur 1 ,Muharrem Aksungur 1 ,Bilal Akbulut 1 ,İlyas Kutlu

1 Central Fisheries Research Institute, Kaşüstü, Yomra, 61029 Trabzon, Turkey Viewed : 4898 - Downloaded : 4197 Black sea turbot (Psetta maxima) were reared at four different densities in the sea cages to evaluate the effects of stocking density on growth, survival rate and food conversion ratio. Fish (mean weight, 41 g; N: 900) were stocked in four different densities as 30, 60, 90 and 120 fish m-2 with three replicates and initial stock densities of 1.26±0.069, 2.44±0.022, 3.69±0.016 and 4.87±0.081 kg m-2 respectively. The growth trial lasted for 206 days from October 2000 to June 2001. Bulk and individual weights of fish in each cage were recorded monthly. The final mean weights (±s.e.) of the fish stocked at densities of 30, 60, 90 and 120 fish m-2 reached 178.3±6.53, 182.7±6.02, 186.1±8.22 and 164.6±8.12 g. Growth rate was fast up to 90 fish m-2 and dropped after these. The corresponding SGR values were 0.70, 0.72, 0.73 and 0.68 % day–1 at temperatures ranging between 8 and 22°C and salinity of 17-18 ppm. The feed conversion ratios were estimated as 1.95, 1.85, 2.09 and 1.88, and cumulative survival rates were calculated as 78.0, 90.0, 75.0 and 65.3% respectively. The results revealed that stocking density had a significant effect on growth and survival rates of turbot. Fish held at the highest density exhibited lowest growth rate and survival rates. Keywords : Turbot, stocking density, net cage, Black Sea