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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2007, Vol 7, Num, 2     (Pages: 89-96)

The Phytoplankton Composition, Abundance and Temporal Variation of a Polluted Estuarine Creek in Lagos, Nigeria

I.C. Onyema 1

1 Department of Marine Sciences, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos Nigeria Viewed : 4512 - Downloaded : 5129 The phytoplankton composition, abundance and temporal variation of a polluted estuarine creek in Lagos was investigated for 6 months (February – July, 2003). Strong positive correlation (≥7.3) recorded between physico-chemical characteristics at two stations within the creek likely point to their control by similar factors, chiefly hydro-meteorological forcings and the creeks pollution status. A total of 48 taxa from 26 genera and 3 classes namely bacillariophyceae (37 taxa), cyanophyceae (10 taxa), and shizomycetes (1 taxon) were recorded for the study. Higher phytoplankton diversity recorded during the rains was probably due to the additional recruitment from the phytobenthic community as a result of scouring of the creek by floodwaters. The bacterium - Beggiatoa alba was the most abundant and frequent taxon particularly in the wet months and strongly indicates high levels of bio-degradable waste contamination. The physico-chemical characteristics and phytoplankton indicator species reflect a polluted and rapidly deteriorating estuarine environment. Keywords : Phytoplankton, estuarine, pollution, tide, floodwaters, creek