Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2020, Vol 20, Num, 2 (Pages: 87-96)
Antioxidative and Inflammatory Responses in Spleen and Head Kidney of Yellow Catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) Induced by Waterborne Cadmium Exposure
Yaling Sun 1 ,Yingwen Li 1 ,Jingjing An 1 ,Zhihao Liu 1 ,Qiliang Chen 1
1 Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing Key Laboratory of Animal Biology, School of Life Sciences, Chongqing 401331, China
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Cadmium (Cd) is an environmental contaminant that presents significant threat to
aquatic organisms. This study was conducted to examine histological structure as well
as antioxidative and inflammatory responses in spleen and head kidney of yellow
catfish after 8 weeks of exposure to 50 and 200 µg/L Cd2+. It showed that Cd2+ exposure
induced Cd accumulation and impaired histological structure in the spleen and head
kidney. For antioxidative response: in the spleen, sod1 expression was significantly upregulated by 50 and 200 µg/L Cd2+, while cat, gpx1, gstω1 and nrf2 expressions were
up-regulated by 50 µg/L Cd2+ but not by 200 μg/L Cd2+; in the head kidney, these genes
were down-regulated by Cd2+ exposure. For inflammatory response: in the spleen, the
expression of il-8, tnf-α and il-10 were up-regulated by 50 µg/L Cd2+ but not by 200
μg/L Cd2+, while the expression of tor and tgf-β were significantly up-regulated only by
200 µg/L Cd2+; in the head kidney, Cd2+ exposure down-regulated the expression of il-
1β, il-8, tor, tnf-α, il-10 and tgf-β. Therefore, this study suggested that Cd2+ exposure
could cause Cd accumulation in the spleen and head kidney, and induced histological
lesions, antioxidative and inflammatory responses in both tissues.
Keywords :
Cd exposure, Spleen, Head kidney, Antioxidative response, Inflammatory response