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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2019, Vol 19, Num, 10     (Pages: 817-823)

A new species of Enhydrosoma Boeck, 1872 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Cletodidae) from the Black Sea Coast of Turkey with some remarks on the taxonomic status of E. wellsi Bodin, 1968

Serdar Sonmez 1 ,Ilknur Yildiz 2 ,Suphan Karaytug 3

1 Adıyaman University, Biology Department, Faculty of Science and Letters, Adıyaman, Turkey
2 Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, Trabzon, Turkey
3 Mersin University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Biology Department, Mersin, Turkey
DOI : 10.4194/1303-2712-v19_10_01 Viewed : 3367 - Downloaded : 2378 During a survey that was conducted at the South East Coast of Black Sea, Turkey on 10 March 2015, undefined Enhydrosoma specimens were encountered in the samples that were taken from 30 m depth of Çamburnu Harbour and described as new to science in detail. The new species differs from all of the known species of the genus by having 4 elements on the distal segment of Periopods(P)3 and P4 exopod (exp) except E. wellsi and E. longifurcatum but can easily be differentiated from E. wellsi by lacking an inner seta on P2-P4 exp-2; by having 2 setae instead of 3 on P1 endopod(enp)-1, 2 setae at antenna (A2) exp instead of one and having a mandibular palp with 3 setae instead of 5. The new species also differs from E. longifurcatum by having 4 elements on the distal segment of P3-P4 exp and with the form of female P5. On the other hand, it has been concluded that the report of E. longifurcatum from the Black Sea given by Apostolov and Marinov (1988) is conspecific with the new species and considered as a synonym of the new species. Keywords : Taxonomy, New species, Meiofauna