Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2019, Vol 19, Num, 6 (Pages: 485-494)
Morphological Comparison of Six Coastal Stream Populations of Crimean Barbel (Barbus tauricus Kessler, 1877) from the Southern Black Sea Basin
Melek Özpiçak 1 ,Nazmi Polat
1 Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Biology Department, Atakum, Samsun, Turkey
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In this study we investigated possible morphological and biological differences
among some populations of the Crimean Barbel Barbus tauricus Kessler, 1877
inhabiting Black Sea Region. The intraspecific variation of crimean barbel, on the
basis of morphometric characters, was investigated. Samples caugth from six
different coastal streams (streams Akçay, Terme, Engiz, Karadere, Solaklı and
Değirmenağzı) between April 2015 and December 2016. A total of 311 samples were
used in analysis. Length-weight (LWR) and morphological measurements-total length
relationships, coefficient of variance were estimated according to localities. LWR
show that B.tauricus has isometric growth most of the localities (b=3). Principle
Component and Discriminant Function Analysis were used to calculate variations in
populations. All relationships of the 29 morphological measurements were found
significant in ANOVA results (P<0.001). According to DFA results fifteen
morphometric measurements were used for clasification of populations with 92.3%.
PCA analysis showed that six (PostDD, DPV, LCAUF, PrePD, DDC and PostPD) of the
morphometric measurements are important for the populations.
Keywords :
Morphometric characteristics, PCA, DFA, Variation, Turkey